Friday, November 16, 2012

The Answer To The Original Make Money Online Question

No money, no fame, [0 comment] ? why?

There is a BIG question that every blogger, internet entrepreneur, professional and marketing enthusiast who wants to make money online must answer.

It?s the original question that sets the tone for whatever step you?re going to take in your business. What?s this question?

It?s the simplest and you already know it, it?s the secret to making 1 or 6-figure income online. It doesn?t matter whether you?re a blogger or not, you need to earn a decent income to support your family and pay off debts, if you?re into any.

What?s the ultimate question?

I?m sure your eyes are glued to the PC or Mobile device that you?re reading from right now? Well, the original money making question is, what is your offer?

And why is it original? It?s because offering something valuable has been the bedrock of building wealth both in the real world and online.

Mark Zuckerberg has joined the league of wealthy people in America because he?s offering advertising solutions to millions of small, mid-size and corporate businesses globally.

Can you look at Google for a moment? What do you see?

For me, I see a lot of systems that has been set up, each solving a particular problem for internet marketers and the entire world population. I?m yet to find anyone who doesn?t use Google?s services.

Either you?re using their search engine, or YouTube, or Blogger, or Google Analytics, or Adsense or their doc. App. and so on. You can?t do without Google Inc.

What is your offer? ? ??what is your offer

As a blogger who wants to make money online, you must offer something of value to a set of people.

Anything of average can?t suffice, let alone make you money.

It?s high time we begin to tell ourselves the truth ? because it?s the truth that can make a man?s life free from debt and blogging nightmares.

If you own a blog and you update it regularly, are you certain the people are finding recourse/satisfaction from your content?

Have you challenged yourself to always write something of value ? and not just the religious ?update your blog with fresh content? rule?

You could write an e-book and sell to your readers. But what happens if your blog posts aren?t helpful? It shows that you can?t successfully sell the e-book. Even if someone mistakenly buys it, he or she may likely ask for a refund, which is bad business.

Your content is the greatest offer

Yes, good content has always been the lifeblood of every successful online business. No matter what you?re into, quality and compelling content is going to set your business on the right track.

I still find a lot of bloggers and writers who don?t spend time writing?epic shit, which happens to be the best type of content in today?s world where problem is on the increase on a per second basis.

Your target audience is watching

Blog readers already know who always writes quality content. They also know those who like to waste people?s time with offering value. Where do you fall into?

In the past 5 months, my freelance writing business has experienced a tremendous growth, which I?m still overwhelmed.

But one thing is certain, if you spend quality time listening to your audience, helping them with the minutest problems of their lives and lighting up their paths, making money wouldn?t be such a hard nut to crack.

Yes, blogging for money can be difficult. It?s a fact that you must work hard. But when you?re not working hard on the right things or towards a realistic goal, working hard can strain and cause you to quit anytime soon.

The ultimate question again?

What is your offer? Can you beat your chest and boldly say that you?re helping your readers? Since Google Panda and Penguin became the new SEO language, what have you done to make Google fall in love with your blog again?

Until you can answer the ultimate question (what is your offer), you?re still far behind in your blogging schedule. It?d be difficult to make a living blogging. Take it from me?

Take this home

Even if you don?t sell a product in your blog, let every blog post you publish count. Bringing value to those in your world has a way of bouncing back to you. It can magnetize the good things that blogging can offer (money, fame, platform, network and so on).

And content marketing is the best answer when it comes to offering VALUE to target audience. What is your ultimate offer as a blogger? Please share yours in the comment below. You?re the best!

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