Monday, June 24, 2013

Existing home sales jump 4.3 percent in May

Existing home sales rose 4.2 percent in May and 12.9 percent above the level seen in May 2012.?

By SoldAtTheTop,?Guest blogger / June 23, 2013

This chart shows the monthly and annual change in existing single family home sales. Single family homes jumped 5 percent in May 2013.



Today, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) released their Existing Home Sales Report for May showing an increase in sales with total home sales rising a notable 4.2% since April and climbing 12.9% above the level seen in May 2012.?

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Writer, The PaperEconomy Blog

'SoldAtTheTop' is not a pessimist by nature but a true skeptic and realist who prefers solid and sustained evidence of fundamental economic recovery to 'Goldilocks,' 'Green Shoots,' 'Mustard Seeds,' and wholesale speculation.

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Single family home sales also improved climbing a whopping 5.0% from April and rising 12.7% above the level seen in May 2012 while the median selling price increased a notable 15.8% above the level seen a year earlier.?

Inventory of single family homes increased from?April to 1.98 million units but still remained 9.2% below the level seen in?May 2012 which, along with the sales pace, resulted in a monthly supply of 5.2 months.?

The following charts (click for full-screen dynamic version) shows national existing single family home sales, median home prices, inventory and months of supply since 2005.?

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