Saturday, January 26, 2013

Republican chair re-elected, promises GOP for 'everyone'

CHARLOTTE, N.C.?The Republican National Committee re-elected Reince Priebus to a second term as the party organization's chairman Friday. He will serve for two more years.

In his acceptance speech, Priebus focused on widespread criticism after the November presidential election that Republicans were perceived as a party for the privileged few. While he didn't specifically mention Mitt Romney's candid remark during the campaign that "47 percent" of the voting population would never support his candidacy, Priebus took pains to repudiate the notion that the Republican party is a place for only some voters, and vowed to create a "permanent" Republican presence in historically Democratic areas.

"We want to be Republicans for everybody. We have to take our message of opportunity where it's not being heard. We have to build better relationships in minority communities, urban centers and college towns. We need a permanent, growing presence," Priebus said. "It doesn't matter where you live, who you are, what you look like, or what your last name is. Because we will be a party for everyone, everywhere."

Committee members attending the conference concede that bringing in voters who supported Democrats in 2012?particularly minorities?will be an uphill challenge. While Priebus' address to the 168 RNC committee members carried themes of repentance for Republicans sins and admissions of failure in the past, it included promises to promote candidates who would work for the vote of all Americans.

"We must compete in every state and every region, building relationships with communities we haven't before," he said. "We must be a party concerned about every American in every neighborhood."

For those who may have been turned off by the party in 2012, Priebus asked for another chance.

"We want to earn your trust again," he said. "To those who have yet to join us, we welcome you with open doors and open arms. This is your home, too. There's more that unites us than you know."

The RNC in December commissioned a task force to analyze the 2012 presidential contest and gather input about the party's strategy for elections ahead. They plan to reveal their findings in March.


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